Sim Racers Group | 1370 Tully Rd, Ste 501 | San Jose, Ca. 95122 | 408-333-9478
Auto racing is an extremely financially exclusive sport to pursue on even the smallest hobby scale. Beyond the original purchase, running costs such as travel, fuel, tires, crew, accommodations, entry fees and crash damage quickly price 99% of those interested, out of the sport.
Based on professional grade auto racing simulators, we offer everyone a safe and cost-effective way to be a competitive race car driver. For the price of a local sports league such as softball, basketball or soccer, clients will have the experience of racing extremely realistic and detailed cars in a competitive yet friendly, fun, encouraging and safe environment.
From hourly rentals to full schedule racing seasons and championships, the Sim Racers Group offers an educational and entertaining racing hobby outlet, which is not affected by real-world auto racing running costs to the clientele.