Auto Racing Simulator Entertainment
Experience what it’s like to be a real racing driver.
Racing LeaguesThink: Tuesday night softball league… for RACERS!
High Performance Driving ExperienceTurn laps at your favorite track, with the luxury of a reset button.
Sim Racers Group Driving AcademyCheck out our online driving and race craft coaching options.
Sim Rig ConsultationPre-built total Sim Rig Packages available!
Young Drivers ProgramDesigned to be fun and educational!
F1/IndyCar Watch PartiesFull Season F1 and Indycar Watch Parties!

I was better prepared than any of the other 23 drivers on the trip.
I can offer a sincere testimonial that my SIM preparation at SRG, for Nordschleife was hugely valuable.

The cars are virtual but the racing is real.
This is what iRacing creates best in my opinion. The feeling, to stand on the grid with 30 or more other drivers (some of them even well-known real racing drivers) and to fight for the win is unbelievable. So if you, like me, love racing but don’t want to spend millions of dollars, risk your life, or don’t want to travel hundreds of kilometers for a race weekend: this is the way to go.
Florian F.

The Sim Racers Group is the place you never knew you needed.
iRacing is the best racing simulation out there and Jason is a pure motorsports enthusiast. He is very experienced with cars, racing and knows a lot about racing in general, especially about being a race car driver and the auto racing world. You will love spending time there.
Emre G.